Tuesday, August 21, 2012

First day of school!

Today is my little mans first day of school. When we left him at school this morning he was happy and excited...not nearly as nervous as mom. He insisted on carrying his own book bag to class, he found his little cubby, hung his backpack up and sat down with all the other kids without a care in the world. I left after saying bye with tears in my eyes, and sat down in the car impatiently waiting on 2:30 when I can go get my baby and bring him home! Now, As I sit here while my 2 year old naps and the house is oddly quiet I can't help but miss him. The house is peaceful and I'm all alone with my thoughts, but it's too quiet. How could this have happen I keep thinking, how could my little 6 lb 10 oz bundle of bouncing baby boy already be in school? Why must time fly by me so fast? I have showered and done some cleaning all while missing my sweet boy! Before I know it I will be misty eyed again as I watch him graduate and even then I'll think to myself where has the time gone. 

Friday, August 3, 2012


So, as I've told you before I'm a Mommy to a 2 year old baby girl...she is a mess! All I hear every day out of her is "Mommy, wanna watch monsers inc" or "Mommy wanna watch Woody" I've watched these two movies so much in the past month I think I could recite them in a play lol! Do I miss having the tv to myself to watch whatever I please, yes, but I wouldn't change the quality moments we've spent watching the same movies over and over for nothing in this world!

What type of mommy are you?

I'm the worrying type...I worry about everything! Just earlier I peeked at my daughter who was snoozing on the couch and she was asleep with her head on the floor and her feet still on the couch but not laying on her back she was on her tummy and she's 2 so of course I made my husband go check on her because well I was just too scared! She's fine of course but it's the little things like that, that worry me! I check on her several times every time she sleeps, in the car on the go , in her bed, and even when she's snuggled up right beside me. I'm not the type of mom that runs to the doctor at the slightest sneeze but they do get monitored very closely for the first 24-72 hours depending on the severity and if something  doesn't feel quite right off to the doc we go. So I ask you fellow Mommy's what type of mommy are you? Am I the only one who worries this much?

My first post!

I have been lurking around the blogging world for a while now and have finally decided to start my own. So as my first post I decided it best to introduce myself so you'll know a little about the woman behind the post :D I am a 24 year old married mother to two little tornados, Mikeanator will be 5 in about 2 weeks and CherryBerry will be 2 the first of Sept. ( terrible 2's seem to start early in this family ) they are my heart even when they destroy the room I just spent 2 hours cleaning! I have been with my husband for 10 that's right TEN years! We have been through everything together and all of our relationship troubles were sorted out before we had kids so now we sit around like the old married couples on T.V. Who only argue about what's for dinner that night! I wanted to start this blog to document important events in our lives and connect with other mommies who may be going through the same things as me! I look forward to getting to know many people while sharing my story, happy reading and happy blogging. Jami

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Thursday, August 2, 2012

Ugh! What happen?

So this is actually my fourth post I have no clue what happen to my first three, I will try to get them back but until then this is just a test post to try and figure this blog out!